3200 Carlisle Block Association, Inc.
Victorine Q. Adams Community Alliance
Originally founded in 2009 as the 3200 Carlisle Block Association, Inc. to ensure a secure community and forum to stabilize home ownership and improvements. Today we are the new entity ‘Victorine Q. Adams Gardens, Inc’. A non-profit organization (applied) for the purpose of maintaining a secure and environmentally sound haven for all residents. Our goal is to unite all residents of the 3200 and 3100 Blocks of Carlisle Ave and Vickers Rd, that abut the Victorine Q. Adams Garden, for the purposes of fellowship, environmental health and beautification, crime prevention and municipal services awareness.
VQA Gardens are funded solely as a nonprofit 501 © 3. We are the recipient of numerous grants, community donations and dues, and produce sales from VQA garden project. Our sponsors and affiliates include, Hilton Elementary School # 21, Hanlon Community association, Inc, Baltimore Green Space, LifeBridge Health Chesapeake Bay Trust, Forever Maryland Trust, Baltimore Tree and Dept. of Public Works, Aka Sorority, Baltimore Youth Works, United Way and Urban Oasis, Inc.
Victorine Q. Adams Gardens, Inc Committee Members:
President, Nnamdi Lumumba
Vice President, Rick Williams
Secretary, Janice West
Treasurer, Johnny Shaw
Community Outreach, Allison Simpson, Peggy Murphy
Marketing & Communications, Katrina Shaw

The Association has been successful reaching out to not just members of our community, but also neighboring community groups, organizations, political and civic leaders, schools churches and businesses. It is through this outreach we have had success with 15 years of presenting our community barbecue, youth programs, Holiday Tree lighting, Harvest Festival, Hilton Elementary after school garden project, nonperishable food and clothes drives tree plantings, acquiring a granite memorial and having it erected at our community garden and commons grounds, receiving legal advice, a new trash can at the corner bus stop, utility poles painted, over grown trees cut away from electric lines, Planting of 100's of trees with grants from Baltomore Forestry, contributions from our community garden to the St. Cecelia’s food bank and soup kitchen, Gospel Jubilee, Four days of a city dumpster placed on street for community bulk dumping, Community yard sale and rehabilitating and adopting two Baltimore City lots as well as developing it into a community garden and commons ground. Resident networking is the vitality that keeps our association alive.