3200 Carlisle Block Association, Inc.
Victorine Q. Adams Community Alliance

Clean Community Competition
Our mission states in its constitutional by-laws, written by Mr. R. E Robison of 3217 Carlisle Ave., “The mission of this Association shall be …, participation in coordinative task necessary for the maintenance of a healthy environmental condition of all aspects of the neighborhood through mutual consent of actions for the good of all members of the Association.”
In accordance to our mission we have embarked on a two year campaign in collusion with Baltimore City Dept. of Public Works and Director Alfred H. Foxx and Mayor of Baltimore City Stephanie Rawlings Blake. This Campaign has been ear marked “Clean Community Competition”. Any community can join this competition of improving the environmental conditions of their neighborhood, A list is assigned by the competition board and tools are made available to assist communities in their efforts to achieve a clean community. This is a seven month process where each community keeps a scrapbook of events they sponsored for improving the environment. The Dept. of Public Works rewards eight communities at the end of the competition with a financial prize. This prize is presented by, Director Alfred H. Foxx and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake, at a awards ceremony in Baltimore City Hall. The ceremony is televised and publicized in news articles and internet websites.
Last year through our efforts we were awarded a $5000 prize to use for further improvements to our communities living conditions. We are very proud of this banner and grateful to the sponsors whom made this competition available for our community. Last year’s sponsor was the American Chemistry Council. Our efforts included: maintenance of two adopted city lots, cleaning and repainting of city sewer and drain outlets, sweeping of alleys and street curbs, planting of new trees and bushes, BGE was notified to remove tree branches and vines from power lines to prevent power outages during major storms, sponsoring group clean up days for community members to remove bulk trash from their homes and properties and deposit into a city dumpster and making available to all residents containers for recycling and requesting that they participate in this program.